Townhouse At the Golden Plough´s Courtyard

U zlatého pluhu

Černínská 74/4 (Czernin Street)

The picturesque area of Nový Svět (New World) is a former suburb of Hradčany, which was founded in the middle of the 14th century and is considered the most beautiful place in Prague. It consists of a street with the same name, into which Czernin Street and the winding Capuchin Street leading along the Capuchin Monastery open. Between New World Street and Czernin Street is a complex of houses, which includes a sizeable irregular land plot with three separate houses and a shared courtyard inside. Part of the complex in New World Street dates back to the 17th century, while the houses in Czernin Street come from the 19th century. The courtyard is connected to Nový Svět Street by a covered staircase.

In case of rain, reading in the café Nový Svět 87/2

  • Capacity 30
  • Barrier-free access from Černínská street YES
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Petr Vančura © foto Jan Hromádko
© foto Jan Hromádko

Petr Vančura

will read from The Third Bridge (A Harmadik híd) by László Szilasi,
translation Marta Pató / Protimluv, 2023

Dvorek domu U zlatého pluhu © Tamara Kafková
© Tamara Kafková