Military Church of Saint John of Nepomuk

Praha - Hradčany

Kanovnická 72/5 (Kanovnická Street)

The construction of this Baroque church began in 1720, initially led by architect Kryštof Dientzenhofer; after his death, his son Kilián Ignác took over the work. The church was then completed in 1728, a year before Saint John of Nepomuk was canonized. After 1861, it was adopted by Prague Protestants and served as a military church for the Pohořelec barracks´s garrison. In 1902, it was returned to the Catholic Church. After the communist coup, the church was closed down, but the Catholic community soon regained it. In 2001, it was changed back to a military church, the only one in the Czech Republic. It is a place of prayer for dead soldiers and for peace around the world.

  • Capacity 50
Simona Lewandowska © Michal Hančovský (archiv divadla DISK)
© Michal Hančovský (archiv divadla DISK)

Simona Lewandowska

will read Lucy in the Forest With the Thingies (Lucie im Wald mit den Dingsda) by Peter Handke,
translation Anežka Kasalová /  Baobab, 2023