Kaňka Pavilion – The Czernin Palace

ministry of foreign affairs

Loretánské náměstí 101/5
(Loreta Square)

Count Humprecht Jan Czernin of Chudenice started the construction of the Czernin Palace in 1669. In 1693, on an area of 1.7 hectares, a garden designed by architect Francesco Caratti began to develop. Over the years, architect František Maximilian Kaňka contributed to the garden’s appearance. He is probably wrongfully credited for also being the summer house’s author. Who its author was remains a mystery to this day. In 1928, the state acquired the palace and garden for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and both were completely renovated. Since 1958, they have been a cultural monument. The palace is still used today as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headquarters.

  • Capacity 30
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Jitka Schneiderová © archiv J. Schneiderové
© archiv Jitky Schneiderové

Jitka Schneiderová

will read from The Young Man / Happening (L’Événement, Le jeune homme) by Annie Ernaux,
translation Tomáš Havel / Host, 2023

Kankuv pavilon © Tamara Kafková
© Tamara Kafková