Fortna – II

Discalced Carmelites monastery

Hradčanské náměstí 184/3
(Hradčany Square)

Fortna is a monastery of the Order of the Discalced Carmelites open to the public. The Order was founded in Spain in the second half of the 16th century. The Discalced Carmelites are dedicated to silent prayer in the community and to working with people. That is why the monastery in Hradčany has become an open house of spirituality. Multi-day courses and shorter events offer spiritual and educational programmes, meditation courses, psychological consultations, and the opportunity to simply be where the horizontal of matter and the vertical of spirit have intersected for centuries. Those who wish to pause and recharge their batteries for the days ahead in today´s troubled times can stay there in silence for a little while or even a few days.

  • Capacity 30
  • WC YES
Fortna - logo
Anežka Šťastná © Lucie Urban
© Lucie Urban

Anežka Šťastná

will read from Mutabor by Norbert Scheuer,
translation Jitka Nešporová / Prostor, 2024

Fortna II z náměstí © Fortna
© Fortna