Embassy of Sweden

Na krásné vyhlídce Villa

Úvoz 156/13 (Úvoz Street)

The villa was built in 1928 by attorney Josef Růžička. In addition to the Růžička family, the automobile racer Eliška Junková lived there from the very beginning. In 1939, the Nazis moved into the villa, arrested Růžička for his help to the Jews, and sent him to a concentration camp, where he perished. After the war, Sweden rented part of the building from his wife. In 1948, the villa was confiscated, but the embassy continued to use the unoccupied parts as offices and supported Růžička’s widow, Anna, to stay in the house. After the privatization, her daughter donated her part of the house to Sweden as a thank-you. The whole villa has been in Sweden’s possession since 1993.

  • Capacity 40
  • Barrier-free access YES
Embassy of Sweden Prague
Lenka Vlasáková © Viktor Kronbauer
© Viktor Kronbauer

Lenka Vlasáková

will read from The Details (Detaljerna) by Ia Genberg,
translation Martin Severýn / Kniha Zlín 2024

Svedsko © Åke Eson Lindman, SFV
© Åke Eson Lindman, SFV