Peter Handke

Lucy in the Forest With the Thingies (Lucie im Wald mit den Dingsda)


Rakouské kulturní fórum


PETER HANDKE kniha Lucie v lese s Čímsi

Lucy lives with her parents in a small suburb of a big capital city. While Lucy’s beautiful mother-police investigator has a clear view of everything and her world has a strict order, her father is an odd fellow. Not only does he have no real job, but he wanders the woods all day, comes home dirty, and carries strange, smelly things in his pockets. On top of that, he calls himself a refugee, is shy, and talks too complicated. One night, the police come for his father and accuse him of rebelling against the king. Along with other fugitives, he is arrested and sentenced to death. Only Lucy knows what is the only thing that can save him. The story is a poetic and self-ironic tale of strangeness and love, coming together, telling mysterious stories, and being different and courageous.

Published by Baobab, 2023


Peter Handke © Donata Wenders

© Donata Wenders

Peter Handke (* 1942), a famous Austrian writer, is the winner of the Franz Kafka Prize (2009) and the Nobel Prize for Literature (2019). He has lived in France for a long time. He made his profile primarily as a playwright, debuting in the mid-1960s with the play Offending the Audience (Publikumsbeschimpfung), which caused a scandal. Handke has been focused on formal experimentation, not only in his plays for the theatre. His work is very diverse in terms of genre, including prose, poetry, and essays, exploring the possibilities of communication, language, and also existential concerns. Lucy in the Forest With the Thingies (Lucie im Wald mit den Dingsda) is the latest Czech translation from this unconventional author´s extensive writings.


Anežka Kasalová