Gian Marco Griffi

Stumbles (Inciampi)



GIAN MARCO GRIFFI kniha Zádrhely

What should you do with a run-over badger? Is it possible to die of darkness? And where have all the fireflies gone? The book comprises thematically and stylistically diverse short stories, but together, they form a patchwork of closely and loosely connected stories. At its centre, there is a group of friends, and the book´s setting is generally limited to Monferrato, a distinctive and populous region with a long and rich history, where good wine is made. Also, good writers, such as Umberto Eco or Gian Marco Griffi, were born there, and their sense of exaggeration, absurd humour, and gift for storytelling might not be unfamiliar to Czech readers. And they may be equally pleased that the protagonists of one of the stories are fictional Czech writers.  

Published by Meridione, 2024


Gian Marco Griffi © archiv autora

© archiv autora

Gian Marco Griffi (* 1976) studied philosophy at the University of Turin and now works as a golf club director in Asti, northern Italy, where he lives. He has been writing short stories since he was young, but his literary work has long unjustly escaped the attention of readers and professional critics. His first book was published in 2017 thanks to a crowdfunding campaign, and two years later, he published a short story collection, Stumbles (Inciampi). Still, his extensive novel Mexican Railways (Ferrovie del Massico), published in 2022, which soon became a literary sensation, brought him real success.


Sára Rodová