Anjet Daanje

The Song of the Stork and the Dromedary
(Hed lied va ooievaar en dromedaris)




ANJET DAANJE kniha Píseň o čápu a velbloudovi

Eleven stories set between the 19th century and the present day in England, the USA, France, and the Netherlands weave like a red thread through the lives of the Drayden sisters, a writing duo inspired by the Brontë sisters. A mosaic is gradually pieced together from bits and pieces of stories and “authentic” texts (letters, biographies, newspaper articles, etc.). However, it comes out slightly differently for each reader, depending on their choice or belief from the diverse and ambiguous information supply. Yet being familiar with the life and work of the Brontë sisters is not necessary. Whoever accepts the author’s subtle game filled with mystery and unexpected twists and turns will be in for an enriching and thrilling reading experience.  

Published by Bourdon, 2024


Anjet Daanje © Henk Veenstra

© Henk Veenstra

Anjet Daanje (* 1965) is a prominent and award-winning Dutch novelist and screenwriter. She started writing her first book while studying mathematics. She attracted wide acclaim in 2019 with The Remembered Soldier (De herinnerde soldaat), a novel about a World War I veteran; three years later, an even more successful one, The Song of the Stork and the Dromedary (Hed lied va ooievaar en dromedaris), followed, inspired by the life and work of the Brontë sisters. With these novels, Daanje began to appeal to foreign readers.


Magda de Bruin Hüblová